A dental implant is essentially an artificial tooth root constructed from medical grade titanium. Following an in-depth dental evaluation and a precision surgical procedure, the implant becomes fused to the jawbone. The permanent fusion between the implant and the jawbone creates a secure foundation for your smile.

With the addition of a dental crown, an implant can be an effective solution for replacing a single missing tooth. Should you require the replacement of two or more teeth, a partial or complete implant solution may be recommended. Implants can be used to support a fixed dental bridge, a partial denture, or a complete denture.

“To prevent the consequences of tooth loss, the dental implant procedure provides the best available solution.”

There are both physical and emotional motivations for replacing missing teeth. Your speech, chewing pattern, self-confidence, and appearance are all affected by even a single missing tooth. Tooth loss also subjects your jaw joint to uneven and excessive forces. The remaining teeth are more likely to shift or show signs of premature wear and damage due to the increased workload.

To prevent the consequences of tooth loss, the dental implant procedure provides the best available solution. Your implant will be anchored securely to the underlying jaw bone. Appropriate measures will be employed to ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. In some cases, the dental implant can be immediately restored with a crown or other prosthesis. In select cases, the implant will be allowed to heal for 3-4 months before the final restoration is placed.

The tremendous advancements in dental technology have enabled us to virtually duplicate nature’s perfect design. Dental implants are a fantastic example of these advancements. Implants are so similar to your natural teeth that they look and function as though they are a part of your mouth.

For the best possibility of a successful dental implant procedure, Dr. Massaro will conduct an evaluation using digital dental x-rays and clinical records to ensure that implants are right for you. Typically, implants are recommended for relatively healthy adults who are missing one or more teeth. Patients who are unhappy with their traditional dentures also make ideal dental implant candidates.

There are no age limitations for dental implants as long as the patient is healthy enough to tolerate the surgical procedure. However, underlying or uncontrolled medical conditions such as smoking or poorly managed diabetes have been shown to have a negative impact on the success of the implant.

Imagine having your life transformed by teeth that look and feel like your own! Eating the foods that you like, and enjoying the confidence of speaking and smiling freely can change your outlook on life. With dental implants, strong, healthy teeth that protect your gums and preserve your facial structure can be yours for a lifetime. As your implant dentist, it is Dr. Massaro’s pleasure to assist you in reconstructing your smile.

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