In recent history, restorative dentistry has grown in an impressive fashion. Long gone are the old silver fillings and poorly-fitting dentures. Today, we have access to the kind of world-class dentistry that can virtually replicate your natural teeth!

Whether you have chipped or broken teeth, tooth decay, old restorations, or tooth loss, there are a number of exceptional restorative methods available to help rebuild your smile. Many of today’s restorative solutions are both strong and attractive, giving you the confidence to smile, laugh, and eat with freedom.

By adhering to the front surfaces of the front teeth, either of these procedures can be useful in creating smiles that are brighter, more uniform, and more attractive, without appearing “fake” or artificial. These solutions are conservative alternatives to full crowns, requiring little or no modification to your natural enamel. Still, veneers are a popular cosmetic treatment that are just as strong and beautiful as traditional crowns.

Bonding porcelain restorations to the front teeth allows Dr. Massaro to address a wide range of esthetic concerns such as:

Onlay Restorations

Onlay restorations are very similar to inlay restorations. They are customized according to Dr. Massaro’s specifications, but rather than fit into the tooth, the onlay partially covers the tooth. Onlays are also slightly more conservative than traditional crowns since they preserve more of your natural tooth structure.


Crowns are the solution of choice when the damage to the tooth is too extensive to warrant a filling, inlay, or onlay. Crowns are designed to cover and strengthen the entire tooth, while restoring the tooth to a more ideal shape, size, and natural shade.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is often recommended when the nerve of a tooth is affected by decay or infection.  By accessing the center portion of the tooth, Dr. Massaro can remove the infected nerve tissue, clean and smooth the vacant space, and place a sterile filling material. This procedure is typically employed as an option for restoring a badly damaged or infected tooth. At the completion of this procedure, a dental crown is generally recommended to strengthen the non-vital tooth.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a fixed (not removable) restoration designed to replace one or more missing teeth. Made from a durable metal base and coated with porcelain for a natural appearance, a bridge can be anchored to at least one natural tooth on either side of the gap left by a missing tooth. Once it has been cemented into place, you can once again enjoy comfortable chewing and smiling.

Dentures and Partial Dentures

Dentures and partial dentures are removable alternatives for tooth replacement. A full or complete denture can be designed to replace all of the upper or lower teeth. When one or more natural teeth are missing, a partial denture may be suggested.

Choosing the appropriate restorative treatment can be too weighty a decision to make on your own. Dr. Massaro and his team have the experience and compassion to assist you during each phase of your care. In the end, you’ll find comfort in knowing that your needs have been met, the highest standards in dental care have been observed, and that you have placed your oral health in the hands of true professionals.

Restorative Dentistry Services

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